A middle-aged woman suddenly had a heart attack and was carried to the hospital. As she lay in Intensive Care, she prayed and asked God if this was to be the end of it all. “No, you will recover,” He answered. “In fact, you will have another 35 years to live.
When the lady recovered, rather than go home right away she decided that, since she still had that long to live, she wanted to make some personal improvements. So before leaving the hospital she had a facelift, a tummy tuck, liposuction and augmentation on her lips as well as other parts of her body.
When she recovered from the last surgery, she walked out of the hospital to go home but was immediately struck by an ambulance speeding into the parking lot of the hospital and was instantly killed. As she arrived in heaven, she looked at God is disbelief and said, “I thought you said I had another 35 years!”
“Sorry,” He answered. “I didn’t recognize you.”
Self- improvement. It sounds like such a good idea, and it’s not just an issue when it comes to physical appearance. Legalistic religion tells us that if we will only work on improving in this area or that area, we could be more spiritually presentable to God. We could become what we ought to be. Something’s not right with us at this moment but with a little augmentation we would look great. So away we go, to the religious doctors who have set up practice in our darkened minds.
These phantom quacks that diagnose us all say the same thing – something is wrong with you. There is a deficit in you. You are lacking in an area that their religious regiment can fix. Maybe it’s a daily dose of discipline to read the Bible more you need. Perhaps what you need is a faith-lift that can only come by fasting and prayer. It might be that your problem is you don’t work out enough at church. It’ll always be something you need to do more of and do a better job at doing.
The problem with these doctors of dead duty is that they can’t help you for one simple reason: Their diagnosis is wrong. There is nothing wrong with you. The Great Physician has given you a clean bill of health. He has created you in such a way that you are at this very moment perfect in His sight (see Hebrews 10:14) and you can know this for sure: However God sees something is the way it is. You are already righteous because of Him. (See 2 Corinthians 5:21) You have been joined together with Him and are as holy as you can possibly be. (See 1 Corinthians 3:17) There is nothing wrong with you. In fact, you are His workmanship – a divine work of art. (See Ephesians 2:10)
So, relax. You don’t have to rush into spiritual surgery to correct your flaws because you are already beautiful just as you are. Accept it. Own it. Don’t listen to those imaginary doctors of devilish deceit who live in your head and tell you that you need help to become what God wants you to be. He sees you just like you are and thinks you’re fine. Trust His judgment and accept that He defines you. Don’t fall for the sales pitch of legalistic lies that come to mind. You are beautiful. The One who has chosen you to be His forever said so and you can trust His word.